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Thursday 3 September 2015

Special food, 'Nasi Lemak'.

There have various types of foods all around the world. Every and each individual has their own tastes when it comes to food. Some people like hot and spicy food while others prefer sweet or salty food. I have special liking to 'Nasi Lemak' that prepared by my beloved mother who is an ace in cooking.

   'Nasi Lemak' is a traditional food that always be favorite food for people that likes to eat spicy food. This is in fact the most popular menu in our country especially in malay people. It has become such a favorite among Malaysian that there are some who eat it a least once everyday. 

   The ingredients and the cooking process involved in creating this tasty meal is simple. 'Nasi Lemak' is nice cooked in coconut milk. The rice also cooked together with pondan leaves. At first, washed and later added into the cooking pot to give the nice its signature fragrance. 

   Besides, the rice usually eaten together with anchovies fried till golden brown, crispy cucumber slices, roasted peanuts, half boiled egg and chili past known as 'sambal tumis'. It tastes even better eaten with fried chicken or a fried egg. Other than that, banana leaf also the one of item that is commonly used in packaging 'Nasi Lemak'. Banana leaves lend an aromatic fragrance to rice wrapped with it. 

   Last but not least, there is a lot of food that we can find in our country to be our favorite food. 'Nasi Lemak' is the one of my favorite food. This can be more wonderful moment if we can enjoy having our favorite food with our whole family together. 
  - Nurul Syuhada Binti. Saalimy

Monday 10 August 2015

I Love Foods

                        Foods are the most common things for the living things to stay alive.Other than the air,shelter and drinks we need foods to make sure that we can continue our live more than anything else.But how do we sure about the quality of the food that we eat?How do you confirm about the nutrient contains in that food?Everyone have their own favourite foods that match their own taste.In facts,there are hundreds of food choices for us to to choose.So,what is your favourite?

                  First,as for me,I love Kampung Fried Rice.It has been a long time favourite since I was 12.As the traditional foods were the best for those who have been craving for the taste of ‘real food’.This fried rice is made of the anchovies,and chilies.What I loved the most about it,is because it contains less amount of water.I love the drier foods more,compared to the foods that contains soup.Other than that,I do not like spicy foods because I cannot stand over it until now.I hate it when people were scolding me telling that that the foods are not spicy.My family is the only one who could understand me.

         Next,I love watermelons and bananas.Despite popular belief that watermelon is made up of only water and sugar,watermelons usually considered a nutrient dense food,a food that provide a high amount of vitamins,minerals and antioxidants for a low amount of calories.There are five common types of watermelon,seeded,seedless,mini,yellow and orange.I prefer the seedless!Watermelon is great for our skin because it contains Vitamin A,a nutrient required for sebum production that keeps hair moisturized.It is also necessary for the growth of all bodily tissues,including skins and hairs.For bananas,I love the sweetnest of firm and the creamy flesh that available for harvest throughout the year.Bananas are good source of pottasium also and essential for maintaining the normal blood pressure and heart function.A research has said that men who ate diets higher in potassium-rich foods,as well as foods high in magnesium,can reduced the risk of getting stroke.That is why I love these fruits as it tastes so good!

             Besides,I love Italian foods too.I used to eat spaghetti for the first time,when I was younger.Then,my mom would cook for me during weekends when I wish to have it.Lasagna is the most delicious Italian Cuisine I have ever taste.My sister learnes it from a cooking class couple years ago.I could finish a whole plate on my own!Other than that,I love pizza so much.I used to make on my own and luckily it tastes good.I wish that I can learn more on how to cook my favourite foods.I adore Chef Jihan who won the Masterchef Malaysia.
She is a successful lawyer ,but she is also a talented chef too.I would learn from her to be a successful person in carrier but also would bot forgot our responsibility as a woman in the future.

                I wish I could taste the delicious foods from all around the world,but the price are all killing me!I also wish that everyone can make sure that they would eat healthily as it is an important thing to make sure we could stay healthy.I want to make sure that my family would have the healthy foods because they are the most important persons in my life.Lastly,eat fruits and vegetables a lot to make sure we get enough nutrients and maintain the vitamins in our body.


Saturday 8 August 2015

My Favourite Food is Tom yam fried rice

There are variety of foods on earth. All living things need food to live their daily lives. Although there are a variety of food on this earth there must be a favorite food for a person. My favorite food is tom yam fried rice. Tom yam fried rice inspiration from the flavors of food tom yam inspiration from Thailand. Tom yam fried rice can be recognized who have similar tastes tom yam itself. Typically, the tom yam flavored arising from the use of tom yam flavoring with the use of chilli or chilli, lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves. Use of coriander leaves also help raise unique flavor and aroma. Lemon slices also add flavor and at the same time give a little acidity to mimic the taste of tom yam. Cooks are also commonly put chicken, beef, squid, shrimp or crabmeat into the fried rice to flavor and as a source of protein for the fried rice.

I love the spicy food. Most places I did not forget tom yam fried rice is in uptown UiTM Seri Iskandar where there's stall selling variety of fried rice. Before this tom yam fried rice had never crossed my mind because often in the average store that I go only has the tom yam soup or vermicelli soup tom yam. Since then I enjoyed the fried rice tom yam. The rice that available in that stall was mostly spicy, for some people who can not eat spicy food indeed be a wasted only if they buy in the store for the first time. Usually those who can not stand spicy food can never be spent only after trying a bite. Imagine how spicy tom yam fried rice that I eat, it more spicy than that.

Often eating outside also not very encouraging. Therefore, sometimes I cook at home if I want to eat. Easy recipes that I used is, one onions, a hint of garlic, chilli follow the desired spiciness, finely sliced kaffir lime leaves, lemon grass a little knocking, shrimp or squid or chicken, tom yam packet of seasoning, diced carrots or cut lengthwise shall, cool rice per number of people that want to eat. There are certain people just slice the ingredients but for me, I chose to mash the ingredients.

How to cook tom yam fried rice. Firstly, heat the oil and saute the sliced or mash ingredients until fragrant. Secondly, put up tom yam and seasoning until the color change into a bit dark. If it looks like a very dry, add a little of water. Thirdly, add lemon grass and lime leaves. Mix all ingredient until fragrant. Fourth, put the carrots or other vegetables deemed appropriate. Fifth, put shrimp or squid or chicken until well blended (if you follow the Sunnah, it was bad if we mix animals of land and water in foods, so I chose chicken). Sixth, season with salt and sugar if its spicy, add more if less spicy chili slices. Lastly, put the rice into the material before and stir until rice mixed. Cool the rice to make sure the rice does not clotted and flaccid.

Conclusion, everyone have their own taste, but for me with these favorite foods or cooking things I can learn to cook and do not rely only outside dining. These also can improve my cooking skills.


Friday 31 July 2015


Ghost stories often heard from childhood until adulthood. While during children there’s alot of different versions of the story from friends, cousins, in television programs and so on. So if something happens in front of the eyes then we realize that it truly exists but even if that happens it is permission of Allah and there is a lesson in every scene.

In July 2014 I was able to get into an institute in computer systems technology. There are various age groups of students from the SPM leavers until the one who have been same aged as my uncle. To shorten the story there is multifaceted during my studies at the institute. After Muslims fasting in Ramadhan of course we welcome feast to celebrate aidilfitrti. So after the holiday feast, we have raya event that being handled by students. Various activities during event one of them is karoake. After the event that there are a number of male students sleeps at institute's that night . They being sayed that they karaoke  until late  night.

On the next day as usual classess started but from that day's many strange stories being heard. One student said she heard her friend voice but  at that moment her friend have returned and many more stories. Thus through these stories one student hysteria. That  time everyone in class at level 1. The students and her friend at groundfloor. Suddenly we heard a scream very loud from below(groundfloor). Everyone panicked and wondered what happened. All students going down stairs to see what was going on but when we arrived teachers told us to stay in the classroom.

After that we gather together in one classroom to read the surah Yasin. When we were recite Yasin teacher brings that hysteria student into class but suddenly she screamed and ran out. Everyone was panicked no matter male or female there’s some of us face it for the first time samegoes me it was a first time happened in front of my eyes. So everyone are a bit surprised. To shorten the story teacher and a brother that aged about my uncle and a brother who is quite old student pulled the hysteria student. Then all the boys helped because the students is very strong and tough. For female students there’s some of them are crying and restles.After a few minutes our manager of the institute came with Ustaz and read the verses of the Qur'an. That day we discharge early.

In conclusion, as Muslims we believe there must be many other things live on earth. So we have to respect so that there were no untoward incidents. Mainly, we always ask for protection from Allah SWT.


The Apartment

Casper married his wife in 2000.They went looking for Apartments that they thought would suit their income and location. The ones they settled on were La Selle Apartments in Rose La Selle, United Kingdom. After they moved in, things in our marriage settled down. There was this nice patch of woods with a path out back. On certain days, he would enter the woods and look about.He is the type who have to see proof and stuff before he can fully believe anything weird. But he got this feeling in the woods that was unlike any other. It was as if the woods were magical or something. At night, the trees would be alight with fireflies.Sometimes when he would walk in the woods, and wander around, he saw some weird things, but they didn't seem totally odd for a patch of woods.It was fairly well trodden, there were paths, and the occasional patch of illegal trash dumped.

After living there for a year, things got real weird. Isolated incidents began to pile up, and start to get annoying, then scary. Casper became unemployed, and spent a lot of time in the apartment, taking care of their son. Before, they weren't in the apartment that much. But now he was there, and while he tried to convince himself a lot of stuff was just the imagination, it didn't help that other people noticed stuff  too. There was this brownish-red stain in our tub that would not go away. It started at the side of the tub, poured down the side, and swirled around the drain.He thought it was varnish or something,they would clean it, bleach it, and it would go away... Only to fade back a few weeks later.

They had a son and he slept in the room, with a huge window that faced a playground. That window had the feeling that something very large was floating there and watching the son.He don't know why we felt this way, but the cats would NEVER be in that windowsill. The creepy feeling got so bad, they had to shut the blinds. Also,the son began to "talk" to something in the room.They'd be sleeping then both would wake up, look at the same thing in the window,and the son would point and look likehe could see something in the air we could not, like he was talking to something, about human size inheight. Then things began to disappear.

            One day,Casper was taking down the tree. This tree had branches that were of various sizes. Once they have been labeled with colored tape, but the tree was 30 years old.He piled the branches by side all across the sectional couch. Then he lay down in bed to rest. He went just about an hour and when he came back, the branches were all over the floor and he blamed the cats.Then he tried to sort them again,and went back into the living room a minute later, and they were all over the floor again. He heard nothing. The cats were asleep in a box.He then piled them again on the couch .After a minute, when he turned around, they were in a cone-shaped pile on the floor, and had very obviously been stacked by someone.He called her wife, to tell her about it.He then grabbed the branches and put them in the box, and while it seemed like they were fighting him, they were always difficult to stuff ing that old box.The cats were nowhere in sight, and both of them were hiding in the closet. So he put the tree back in the box, tied it up, put pentacles on it, and dragged it to the dumpster. No, it did not show up again.

Their economic situation went from bad to worse.They were finally given an eviction notice.When they were packing, dark patches would fill corners of the room, like shadows where shadows should not be. In their eyes, they would see moving things, but couldn't quite see them, and it was almost like they were teasing them.They thought they was just imagining things, because they couldn't see anything, but all their friends noticed it independently. The cats would avoid it, and sometimes hiss at it.They lastly moved out and abandoned it in the apartment.

-Nurul Liyana Ramli

Expect the unexpected

   Every parents' responsibility is to earn money by working hard. So as usual, both of my parents working from 8 to 9 every day. Since im the only child, im already used to being alone at home after coming back from school for almost four years of being in the evening session school. Nothing really happened throughout the four years.
    It was around 5.30 pm, i walked back home from school alone as usual. The sky was a little hazy as it was about to rain any sooner. So i walked two steps faster than i usually did. It gives me goosebump while i was rushing back home as the wind blows the opposite direction way too strong. To make it worse, i can see from the corner of my eyes that someone in black was following me. At first I thought it was just my imagination but then I heard footsteps coming closer towards me. I turn around but there's no one except for the stray cats. I started to panic a dash of home. I found out that my house was dark. It is not a usual thing to happen because the auto-timer light was supposed to light iup at 6pm. I can feel something was wrong.

     I searched for the house key in my school bag. Being the clumsy me the key fell down i picked it up and open the fornt door. I stepped inside and shut the door as quick as i could and switch on the light. I stood still and be quiet as possible to detect any unusual sound in the house. I doubt to move at first, i dont want to make things worse by panicking. So i dialled my mom's number but it goes to voicemail and i gave up. I put my back on the couch and walked to the living room. To distract myself i decided to watch my favourite series. Just when i was about to sat down, the house phone rang. I ran to reach the phone but the phone hung up. I waited for awhile for a second call just incase. The house phone didnt ring up so i went upstairs.  Just  when i reached to the living room's door the house phone rang for the second time. Again, i ran to reach it so and it was my mom calling. She was whispering sounded like in a rush. Mom asked me to locked the door and take care of myself as they will coming back a little bit late than usual. After i hung up i went back to the living room to diatract myself. 

      After awhile, i laid on my bed and played with my laptop when suddenly i received an unexpected call, again. I thought it was my mom when i picked it up there was no one on the line and thats when  i heard something crashed downstairs. My heart was pounding so fast i tried to be brave as i reached the baseball bet under my bed and tip toeing downstairs. The lights went blinking and "POOOF!" everything went dark. I heard a knock from living room so being the curious me i went to check where was the sound coming from.

       As i was about to hall i saw two sparks of light. I went through it that is when i heard the sound confetti and party honks crossing over the hall. A room full of people shout "SUPRISE!!!" I was starstrucked there was so many familiar faces including both of my parents in the middle of the circle holding the cake. The spark i saw just now was the candle of the cake. Then it hits me tgat all this was a surprise birthday party. I thought there was something  spooky in the house or even a burglar trying to rob the house when it was just a 17th surprise birthday party for me. 

-: Eryssa Ardilla Binti Azmi

Real Life Horror Story

   On the last sunday, there is just me at my home. My parents just left for an annual dinner. After that i locked the door and i went to my room. After i changes into the pyjamas, i sat on the bed and started  servings the internet while completing my assignment. After a few hours, my stomach started to grumble so i decided to go downstairs to have some snacks in the kitchen. While i was searching for the snacks i heard something at the back door.

  A few minutes later, at first i thought it was my imagination but when i heard the noise for the third times it comes to my senses that something was wrong. My heart started pounding so fast that i stand still for five minutes trip. But the sounds was gone, it dissapear just like that. It freaks me out more. Curiousity get the best out of me, i decided to look around the whole house. I put down my snacks on the counter and i started to wonder around. I starts checking all the doors that i have locked. There is nobody in the house. I feels a little relieve, but it only last for a short time because i heard that sounds again.

   The sounds getting louder at that time. It frighten me and i turns back around into my room. Once i entered my room, i rushed to get my phone and started to call my parents but both of them were not answering. I thought its better i calm for myself first to avoid anything happened to me on that horror night. But i felt it was not a good idea. The whole of my body felt cold and i looked all around the room. The surroundings my room looked so dark and scarriest. After that, a few minutes later, suddenly i heard somebody called my name from the bathroom that was nearby with my room.

   I was shocked and walked slowly steps by steps to the bathroom to find out whose called my name. When i reached the bathroom, I glared my eyes around the bathroom and drag on the back of my neck suddenly I saw an apparently of ghost standing over me. I almost started to run upstairs my room, but unfortunately the ghost was blocking the way and stared at me. I so frightened and with a little courage, i started run away to my room.

   I breath deeply and wipe the sweat off of my forehead. I covered my whole body with blanket and push myself to sleep i hope that is just a nightmare but it was a reality. On the next day, everything come back to normal. I hope this is my last horror experience that i had.

Nurul Syuhada Bt. Saalimy